Supporting your child at Ludlow School

  • Always make sure your child attends regularly, arrives on time and wears the correct uniform
  • Keep in touch with school and attend meetings
  • You will be sent progress updates each term, a full annual report and an invitation to an annual Parents’ Evening
  • If you are concerned about your child’s progress at any time, please contact the tutor or Curriculum Learning Tutor; a daily report can be issued and you will receive feedback about issues like work-quality, behaviour and homework each evening
  • If you have any issues that worry you, please contact the tutor, or Curriculum Learning Tutor, earlier rather than later; if we don’t know about it, we can’t deal with it
  • Ask for letters and complete reply slips as quickly as possible
  • If there are important changes in your child's life, please let their tutor know (medical problems, home circumstances, changes to contact details)
  • Find out what sort of day your child has had at school; ask about what they have done, what went well? And if there have been any problems?
  • Ask about homework and check the planner or ClassCharts App; you can communicate with any teacher by writing a note in the planner; in this, you will find merit stickers for good work and attitude to learning and any demerit stamps and detentions for things that have concerned a teacher, like poor organisation, a poor standard of work, or no homework; this helps you keep track on a day-to-day basis.
  • Encourage reading and give help if needed; reading remains the single most important skill that will make a difference to grades achieved
  • Encourage your child to take part in extra-curricular activities