If your child needs to take medicines during the day, all prescribed medication must be taken to Reception by a parent or carer.
It should be accompanied with written instructions, clearly stating what it is, the student’s name and the dosage and the time it should be taken. Students should bring into school only the dosage required for the day; this is important because on several occasions, students have either forgotten to collect the medication at the end of the day or have lost it. Proprietary brands of medicine (e.g. paracetamol), should not be brought into school, unless prescribed.
All prescribed medication must be collected at the end of each half term/term. Any medication not collected will be disposed of by the school.
Appropriate arrangements will be agreed between the school and parents where a student has a permanent or long term condition requiring regular treatment in school, e.g. asthma or diabetes. In the first instance, you are asked to discuss your child’s needs with the Curriculum Learning Tutor.
Injury or illness
If students are injured or taken ill in school, they are seen by a person qualified in First Aid. If necessary, that student is taken to recover or rest in the Pupil Support Centre and parents may be contacted to collect their child. With more serious accidents or illness, where hospital examination or treatment seems appropriate, every effort will be made to contact parents. For this purpose, parents are asked to complete a form to indicate where they may be contacted during the day and to name the person to be contacted if parents are not available.
Please note that:
- The school is not allowed to administer any drugs unless a doctor has prescribed it
- Parents should inform us in writing, of any medical condition or course of treatment, which may have a bearing on a student’s welfare in school. Such information will be kept confidential and placed on a medical register held by a First Aider
- If a student is unwell, parents will be contacted and asked to collect their child. Students will not be allowed to walk home by themselves. To ensure the wellbeing of your child, we would ask that any request to collect your child must come only from a member of staff; students must not make arrangements directly with parents
- The Education Authority makes regular medical and dental inspections of students; parents are normally notified of these