This section contains the sort of day-to-day details which parents and carers should find useful.
General Information
Also in this section
School Contact Details
We welcome all contact from parents and carers. If you wish to visit the school to talk with a member of staff, please telephone to arrange an appointment. This is vital to avoid the disappointment of not being able to see the correct member of staff, due to them having other commitments at that time. Allied to this, prior contact which outlines…
The School Day
Reception Reception is open from 8.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30am – 4.00pm on a Friday. Switchboard The school switchboard has a 24 hour answering service which enables parents and carers to leave messages at any time. Please listen carefully to the options when you call the school to ensure your message can be dealt with quickly. The…
Attendance and Student Absence from School
Regular attendance is essential to progress in all years. A child cannot learn if they are not in school. Frequent absence disrupts continuity in learning. Please ensure your child attends regularly. Students are expected to catch up work missed due to absence on their return to school. When students are absent because of illness, they can become
Medical Conditions and Medicines in School
If your child needs to take medicines during the day, all prescribed medication must be taken to Reception by a parent or carer. It should be accompanied with written instructions, clearly stating what it is, the student’s name and the dosage and the time it should be taken. Students should bring into school only the dosage required for the day;…
School Photography
Each Autumn term, we arrange for portrait photographs to be taken of our new Year 7 students. These are updated bi-annually i.e. in Year 9 and Year 11. We use these photographs for identity purposes, under Article 6 of the EU General Data Protection Regulations ‘Lawfulness of Processing’, where we process information for the purposes of compliance
School Closure in the Event of Extreme Weather
Should extreme bad weather ever cause us to close the school to students, there are a range of systems we use to convey this information: Email message to parents and carers School website Ludlow School Facebook page Shropshire Council’s website page for School Closures - click on related links Local Radio Station updates
Read more about School Closure in the Event of Extreme Weather
Supporting your child at Ludlow School
Always make sure your child attends regularly, arrives on time and wears the correct uniform Keep in touch with school and attend meetings You will be sent progress updates each term, a full annual report and an invitation to an annual Parents’ Evening If you are concerned about your child’s progress at any time, please contact the tutor or…
Freedom of Information Act
Information available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 The Governing Body is responsible for maintenance of this Policy. Introduction One of the aims of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 is that public authorities, including all maintained schools, should be clear and proactive about the information they will make public.
School Transport
To apply for school transport click on the related link.
Ludlow Church of England School is committed to effective, high quality safeguarding for all members of the school community. Rated as highly effective by Ofsted in terms of our procedures and safeguards, the school continues to monitor, improve, and challenge practices in the area of safeguarding, in line with the government's guidance (Keeping
Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing At Ludlow CE School, we share a single vision of “Excellence Together”, where staff and students aim to make excellence a habit in all that we do. This vision is bound together with our Christian values of excellence, resilience and care. For our young people, and the adults in our school community, to
Health Information
We work closely with health professionals to support the health and wellbeing of students at Ludlow School. The School Nursing Team support our work with promoting healthy lifestyles and work closely with students (and their parents and carers) with long-term health conditions or disabilities, such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy. They also provide…
Catering Provision
Our on-site catering facilities provide food and drinks for our students before school, at morning break and at lunchtimes. Students are welcome to bring their own packed lunch, but a full service is available in the dining room. Hot meals, desserts, and vegetarian options, are available every day, and there is a full deli-range, offering wraps,
Exam Information
GCSE examinations (or equivalent qualifications) are taken at the end of Year 11. Details of courses offered canbe found in the Curriculum section of the website. Mock examinations for Year 11 students take place in December, with some further mocks in March each year. Further information regarding examinations (including Access Arrangements) can
Extra Curricular Activities
Information regarding Extra Curricular Activities