About Us

Welcome to Ludlow Church of England School.  We are an 11-16 community school, located in the beautiful county of Shropshire.  Ludlow CE School is an academy within the Diocese of Hereford Multi-Academy Trust.  We consider ourselves to be a very special and unique school in terms of what we offer to our students and the local community.  This is due to being truly comprehensive and inclusive, as well as having a Church foundation.

The school community shares a single vision of “Excellence Together”, where staff and students aim to make excellence a habit in all that we do: our teaching and learning, behaviour, and care of each other.  We are ambitious in our aspirations for our students and want them to leave us as confident and articulate young people, able to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Both Ofsted, in 2020, and The Church of England Inspection (SIAMS) in 2017, confirmed the school as Good, recognising our 'strong moral purpose' and 'the high-quality education' that we provide.  The school prides itself on the great opportunities we offer our students within, and outside, the normal curriculum.

Our curriculum aims to develop young people who:

  • achieve well
  • are resilient, confident, safe and responsible
  • feel supported and included
  • secure positive destinations beyond school

The curriculum at Ludlow School comprises a broad range of learning experiences.  A personalised, accessible curriculum offer, in conjunction with high-quality teaching, offers challenge and impacts positively on learning and progress.  The curricular experience will prepare our students for an evolving wider world.

We have a particularly strong intervention programme, an enrichment programme for our more able students, as well as coaching and mentoring to assist Year 11 students achieve their goals. We consistently close the gaps of achievement between our disadvantaged students and those with special educational needs, and our other students. We pride ourselves on the quantity and quality of after-school activities we are able to offer in a wide variety of areas.

We believe that the total educational experience of our students is vitally important to ensure that, upon leaving us, they have the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and attributes to succeed in whichever area they wish.  We also take the safety of our community very seriously.  The school aims to help parents and carers understand that the school, like all others, has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all students; we are sure that you will join us in this partnership. 

Thank you for visiting our website, and if it does not answer all of your questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Mark Burton, Headteacher

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Welcome from the Headteacher

Welcome to Ludlow Church of England School. We are a 11-16 community school, located in the beautiful county of Shropshire. Ludlow CE School is an academy within the Diocese of Hereford Multi-Academy Trust. We consider ourselves to be a very special and unique school in terms of what we offer to our students and the local community. This is due to…

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Vision Statement

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SEND Information Report

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Pupil Premium Grant

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Financial Benchmarking

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Our staff

Senior Leadership Team Mr Mark Burton - Headteacher Mrs Deborah Tysall - Assistant Headteacher - Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr Stephen Richards - Assistant Headteacher - Quality of Education Teaching Staff Creative Studies Faculty Mr Christopher Harrison - Drama Teacher and Head of Faculty Mr Michael Figliola - Music Teacher Mrs…

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